April edition of the IoF2020 monitoring

April edition of the IoF2020 monitoring

The latest edition of the IoF2020 project is out!

Synelixis is Awarded at the DIF2017!

Synelixis is Awarded at the DIF2017!

The Digital Innovation Forum is an international event that focuses on Digital Innovation in Europe and beyond.

GAIA Second Training Workshop

GAIA Second Training Workshop

The second GAIA training workshop was held this past Friday, the 28th of April, at the CTI premises in Athens.

GAIA BEM Application Beta Release and Trial Workshops

GAIA BEM Application Beta Release and Trial Workshops

Synelixis announces the release of the Beta version of the Buidling Energy Management Application being developed within the scope of the EU project GAIA.

COSSIM Second Review

COSSIM Second Review

Synelixis hosted at our premises in Athens the Second Review Meeting of our project COSSIM (A Novel, Comprehensible, Ultra-Fast, Security-Aware CPS Simulator) this past week on the 23rd and 24th of March.

GAIA Participatory Sensing Application

GAIA Participatory Sensing Application

Synelixis announces the release of the 1st version of its participatory sensing application for mobile devices developed for the EU Project GAIA.

SONATA at the 5G-PPP Cross-project Workshop in Athens

SONATA at the 5G-PPP Cross-project Workshop in Athens

SONATA attended the 5G-PPP Cross-project Workshop that is taken place in Athens, Greece.

GAIA Building Management Application

GAIA Building Management Application

Within the scope of the EU Project GAIA, Synelixis has developed an energy management application for building managers.

Cyberphysical security trends in Smart Energy Grids

Cyberphysical security trends in Smart Energy Grids

Synelixis was invited by the EU FP7 VIMSEN project (VIrtual Microgrids for Smart Energy Networks) to present the latest advancements in the domain of smart energy grids cyber and physical security,

Internet of Food & Farm 2020

Internet of Food & Farm 2020

Synelixis announces its new project “Internet of Food & Farm 2020” to run from 2017 to 2020. IoF2020  will provide solutions and facilitate the large-scale uptake of IoT, by addressing the organizational and technological challenges the European farming and food sector faces today.

2nd GAIA Workshop in Athens

2nd GAIA Workshop in Athens

This past Sunday, December 18th, the 2nd GAIA Workshop was completed successfully at the Maraslios Academy in Athens as part of the HiSTEM2016.

Synelixis at the H2020 Project InLife Kick-off meeting

Synelixis at the H2020 Project InLife Kick-off meeting

Synelixis participated in the kickoff meeting of the

Synelixis announces completion of the DOLFIN project

Synelixis announces completion of the DOLFIN project

In October 31 2016, Synelixis participated in the final review of the DOLFIN project.

SONATA project release 1.0 at the SDN & OpenFlow World Congress

SONATA project release 1.0 at the SDN & OpenFlow World Congress

SONATA is an open source, EU-funded project Horizon 2020 and part of the 5G-PPP initiative.