The SynField smart agriculture devices and sensors are ready to be shipped.
A new SynField installation took place in Africa.
A new SynField installation took place in Thespies, Voiotia.
The SynField smart agriculture system has been installed in a cultivation area in the outskirts of Zalenieki, Latvia.
A new SynField installation that enables monitoring and remote-control irrigation took place in Aliartos, Voiotia.
The SynField precision agriculture system was installed in Ibadan, Nigeria.
On 11-12 October 2022, Synelixis hosted the kick-off meeting of NESTLER, a 4.4M€ EU-Africa project designed to promote the One-Health strategic partnership.
Synelixis is the Coordinator of the newly awarded pan-European Digital Transformation in Agriculture flagship project, capitalizing SynField product family.
Synelixis participated, as exhibitor, in the prestigious International Exhibition “IoT Solutions World Congress”
Two new SynField precision agriculture systems were installed in large olive groves in Messinia.
Installation of the new SynField X5 (model 2022) in a 420 acres of kiwi fruit cultivation at Astakos, Etoloakarnania.
The installation of four SynField systems in an olive grove with a total area of 400 acres in Metochi, Argolidos, was completed.
Synelixis further expands the services provided by SynField via a new state-of-the-art Ultrasonic sensor.
Η Synelixis, αρωγός στην προσπάθεια εκσυγχρονισμού και ψηφιακού μετασχηματισμού του αγροτικού τομέα στην Ελλάδα,