
Expert-Led Seminar for Synelixis Team Leaders

Expert-Led Seminar for Synelixis Team Leaders

Synelixis Elevates Communication Strategies for Team Leaders through a two-days seminar that was held at Synelixis premises. The impactful seminar led by external experts aimed at fortifying communication strategies among its team leaders. Titled ” Reinforcing Communication in Project Based Teams”, the seminar spanned two days and immersed participants in dynamic sessions tailored specifically to refine communication within project-centric teams in the tech sphere.

Gathering Synelixis’ esteemed team leaders, the seminar facilitated deep dives into cutting-edge communication methodologies and tech-driven collaborative frameworks. Led by industry-renowned experts well-versed in the nuances of IT team dynamics, the sessions delved into leveraging technology for seamless collaboration, addressing challenges unique to IT projects, and fostering an environment of open discourse and adaptive communication strategies. The seminar’s resounding success was evident through the enthusiastic engagement of the attendees, affirming Synelixis’ commitment to enhancing its team’s leadership skills and communication prowess to navigate the complexities of IT projects with precision and agility. Armed with these refined communication strategies, Synelixis’ team leaders are poised to steer projects with enhanced efficacy and collaborative synergy.